While arguing that the national news media unfairly pay more attention to Elephant veep candidate Sarah Palin than to Donkey veep candidate Joe Biden [photo], MacElveen also argues that John McCain is not the only "maverick" in the race.
According to MacElveen:
Biden too showed he was a maverick in stating he would buck his own party to continue funding the troops when some opposed it.He certainly doesn't appear to be the sort of maverick we need at the moment. But thanks for the insight, Mary.
From one point of view, Consortium News, with its 24/7 Obamathon, continues to be one of the hugest craters in the pockmarked landscape formerly known as independent American journalism.
But from another angle, it's remarkable how deeply and fully Bob Parry's site reveals the bankruptcy of American politics -- where even those pulling for the "opposition" are unabashedly despicable.
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