The short lists -- 10 finalists in each of 45 categories -- will be posted in just a few days, and then the voting will commence. Unlike the nomination process, in which you were asked to register or sign in or else comment anonymously and await moderation, voting will require no registration or login and the results will be visible in real time ... or so they say. I'll let you know when the lists are posted so you can join me in supporting our favorite bloggers. I'm looking forward to voting early and often.
Early and often? Hey! That's a joke! It's an election-integrity joke, too! There aren't too many of those around, and that's a shame, isn't it?
But seriously: you can only vote once in each category ... unless you have access to the secret proprietary source code ... or you can change the memory card on the machine ... or you know the secret sequence of invisible controls that flip the result -- Hey! What do you know? 51% for me!! It's a miracle!!
Hey! That's another joke! Come ON! Would I kid you about something as serious as election integrity?