three men in U.S. uniforms led the Kenyan troops who detained her and other women and children fleeing Somalia on Jan. 18.All's fair in counter-terror, apparently. Not just in Iraq but everywhere. If they can claim you're a terrorist -- plausibly or otherwise -- you can spend a long time in prison, in very uncomfortable circumstances to say the least. Chris Floyd has much more about this very sad continuing story:
"After the American soldiers had detained us they kept in the background, but it was very clear that they were the ones in charge," Benaouda, who was freed from an Ethiopian prison March 27, was quoted as saying by the Stockholm daily Svenska Dagbladet.
Benaouda said she was captured along with a group of women and children as they tried to cross into Kenya. The soldiers shot a woman in the group, she told the paper, but didn't give details.
They were brought to Nairobi and then returned to Somalia, blindfolded and handcuffed, before being transferred to a prison in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, she said.
Terror War III: U.S. Forces Capture, Render Refugees From Somali "Regime Change"