This post is a Table of Contents for a series of posts featuring short videos of people talking about what they saw, heard, felt and knew about 9/11. In each case the same question arises.
David Ray Griffin Says 'The 9/11 Commission Report Is A National Disgrace' -- Is He Crazy?
Joe Cassaligi Says: 'The Building Collapsed To Dust' -- Is He Crazy?
Jim Marrs Says: 'The World Trade Center Was Pulverized' -- Is He Crazy?
Witnesses Describe WTC Explosions -- Are They Crazy?
Scott Forbes Says Power in WTC was Down on Weekend Prior to 9/11 -- Is He Crazy?
Jim Fetzer Says The WTC Blew Up From The Top Down -- Is He Crazy?
U.S. Army General Albert Stubblebine Asks 'What DID Hit The Pentagon?' -- Is He Crazy?
Mike Ruppert Says 'The Bush Administration Planned 9/11' -- Is He Crazy?
Webster Tarpley Says 'Terrorism Is Now The Myth Of The 21st Century' -- Is He Crazy?