Thursday, January 4, 2007

FOX Pulls A Boehner While Trying To Rip Pelosi

Our good friends at FOX, in a pseudo-news piece ripping the new Speaker of the newly Democratic House, accidentally misspelled the name of Republican "house minority speaker" John Boehner.

Lofty Language, Unpredictable Children Mark Pelosi Vote
Less festive were Republicans who assumed minority status in the House for the first time in 12 years. They appeared deflated as they cast their votes for speaker, knowing full well that their leader, Rep. John Boeher of Ohio, was not going to muster enough support in the 233-202 Congress.
I know it isn't newsworthy but it did make me chuckle, which is more than I can say for most of the pseudo-news we get from these FOXes.

On the other hand, the report did include the following very newsworthy items:
During the hour long roll call vote, Pelosi's family beamed on from the House chamber's gallery. Among her guests were one son, three daughters, their spouses, her husband, brother and sister-in-law, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and assorted friends.
Pelosi's grandchildren also attended the session, along with about 110 other kids in attendance to witness the opening day scene with their parents and grandparents. Pelosi's grandchildren were ushered in and out of the chamber by a nanny in a cherry red silk suit.
Pelosi's maternal side was on full display as her passel of well-dressed grandkids sat on her lap, climbed over Hoyer and Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, whose three kids were also in tow.
After making her acceptance speech, Pelosi invited all the children to come up to the dais to touch the speaker's gavel. But when they started toying with other items on the table, Pelosi pleaded: "No, no, don't touch that."
You mean to tell me all that stuff is on the table and impeachment isn't? But the kids can't touch that stuff anyway? Something tells me this is going to be a long and painful Congress. And not only for John Boehner.