Qui Custodiat Custos? Custos Ipsum!
[Latin: "Who guards the guard? He guards himself!"]
The latest reason why UK troops have to stay in Iraq: to protect themselves:I know that's a rhetorical question, but here's a simple answer:Hopes of a rapid British withdrawal from Iraq appeared to diminish yesterday after a minister said the present force level was needed for the safety of the troops.Bloody hell.
Meanwhile our brave Aussie diggers have murdered another innocent man in Afghanistan. Oh, sorry - he couldn't have been innocent, because they shot him. So he must have been guilty. Of something.
Why are we over there again?
Client Regime. Oil Law. Permanent Bases.
Client Regime. Oil Law. Permanent Bases.
Client Regime. Oil Law. Permanent Bases.
Client Regime. Oil Law. Permanent Bases.