When I find articles I don't want to lose track of, or pieces I want to see in a familiar setting for one reason or another, I save them at Winter Parking.
When I'm working on a story, I tend to stash source documents at "the parking lot", so there's a lot there about Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the so-called Liquid Bombers, to name a few recurring topics.
But there's a wide range of topics, and I've been posting there for a while, so there are more than 1200 articles now, and the search box is full of surprises. There are no links on the sidebar other than the parking lot archives, or "parkives", as one might say ... if one were a punster ... which, fortunately, I am not.

My other "blog-away-from-home", Winter Surfing, carries the other extreme: there is now and likely always will be only one post. The sidebar's the thing, and all the content on it is dynamic. I intend to expand both the sidebar and the post, so you'll want to come back often, if you like it there at all.
Comments are disabled at both Winter Parking and Winter Surfing, but you can leave me comments, questions, complaints and suggestions about either of those blogs -- or, indeed, anything else -- in the comments thread attached to this post.