After all, there's nothing quite like the sound of wealthy people whining.
The Tyranny of the 2nd Home
“We’re heavy on the despair right now,” said Conn Nugent, a foundation executive who found the perfect run-down farm on the highest hill in western Massachusetts 10 years ago. “I was high-minded but incompetent,” he said. “I decided I was going to resuscitate Summit Farm for my wife and children, that we’d raise bees and organic beef. All of those visions danced in my head — and worse: I decided I was going to be the architect!”Yikes!! Six hundred grand for an escape from reality! Cry me a river!!
The Nugents figured they could design the new house that was needed by themselves. “After about 17 drafts of the plans, I sent it out to the contractors,” Mr. Nugent said. “They saw me coming.” He thought it could be built for under $200,000. They said it would cost three times that.
Surely tyranny can't get any worse than that.
Can it?
A relative of a mortar attack victim grieves outside Imam Ali hospital in Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, May 15, 2007.
The attack killed four and wounded 11 at a market on the edge of Baghdad's Sadr City Shiite district.